Thursday, December 26, 2019

Limitless life in love and freedom

To write of limitlessness obviously implies the thinking that there are any limits

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The here and now ๐Ÿ’

Here in Tokoroa today which in a Bodhi torque sense,... I am present in wholeness and completeness the love of all
..and so it is.
I came down to give Caroline a hand, and well, how wonderful it is to feel the space between space ,..have a beet and ginger goodness smoothie, but more than this, life is love, the sun is shinning, what a being ...the lights that haloed once was...nevermind, yes the never mind is one of distinction, what is the love within oneself, is it infallible
, I thinks so, wise compassionate and loving...mos def ...kinda sounds like the sun doesn't it...
Love to you, light and peace to your mind and passion to your being, let the spark of your existence fan the flames into livelihood and highest resonance for truly you R a wundrous being of love and well...fantastic creatorship ,a patron of the finest within to bring to life that which can be only in you and me ..
Love in essence

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Mangakino Gym

What...wHere...yes now...that's your well one thrives. The gym features a fairly full array of equipment, great staff and various usage options...including an incredible casual'd be crazy to and or not to check in...and check out.... YES ....Seal was write right...even if U go Left....if ya gonna thrive...ya may hafta get a little a kiss from a Rose, you'll knows.

So how did one come to be Here...the wonder of of one's infinite brillance in the form of radiance through creative talent and wellbeing....aka being a TigerHandy master.

Check out the blog Here...YES ...when one has chosen to update I'll post hyperlink ..but not too wishes for illustrious balance and of course Bliss, joy, profound happiness.

Love love love
your master in peace, profound pleasure and wellbeing
Torq Lovewell  (aka Stephen John Busch, the Bodhitorque master de manifesto love) ๐Ÿ˜

Monday, January 28, 2019


Vitality, Vandana, vixationally ventrical vibrational vehicle, very vivacious, vortexually vimming vibes vastly victorious, very vocationally vamped, viewed, vowed, visioned vixations, verbally vibed vivaciously voluptuous, virtually vernacular venting, very vital, vastly vehement, venture vistfully V

Vvv vitally vibe'n , very vast

Let's Grow

Grow and glow haha ๐Ÿ˜„  Greetings to all and welcome to Bodhi Torque,  the universal acceptance of self as is , where is .., prof...