Friday, April 16, 2021

Creating, loving , awakening

 Well today is a new day, that it ..a descriptor it information technology ...or an organic orgasmic wunder land ...probably both ...why not infinite versions...possibilities and realms of understanding and creation....yet what is the present.

yeah yeah we've all heard it is the now ...full awareness in this moment....yet as George Carlin put it...there it goes ...boom the now ...the moment ...goes ..or is past a new moment ad infinitum  ....yet presence remains...or conscious 'ness' or awareness .....what about when're sleeping? it like avatar leave your body ...and back to the mothership ...perhaps more free-er ..than a total exit from ```````````````````````````````````

````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````the body ...or the bodhi ...yet what about the preminative nature ...the awareness in dream ?

Well lets get back to creating, we're all created creators ....on the shoulders of giants...they say...if one has seen further ...that is but why ...a nod to those that have gone or go before us in endeavour they set sail into the golden sun...for fun and freedom....bravehearts they be, less farts than me ...yet all 4 one ...and one for all ...and so it woz to become whole and complete ...if one was but to declare it so ...and hey presto ...alacazam betcha  mam ...whole and complete ...HERE I AM ..that's a loves one...and thereFORe I Am me me haha ..and so it can be when you're focused on growth and wellbeing...all will fall into place ...I and ..I mean Well indeed !

And so it was began a two ..I'm countin' the beat two three 4 an asteroid deployed....three 4 ...I tell you now that loving awakening the self the best that I am ...without any I ...because love is of the infinite nature, the oneness,..the funness ! ...and so the dance of the one is based on one, fun and freedom....this is love, harmony ...and health ...all rolled into! is it cramped in here ...haha  not really in this infinite mind and presence we find space to Be, to see clearly...and focus on the goals one wishes to fruitionise , .... if such have been envisioned, created, .. loved and or awokenfrom within..

LOVe well LIVE w E L L  ...and bypass hell ..haha ..I kid U knott ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’“    

Let's Grow

Grow and glow haha ๐Ÿ˜„  Greetings to all and welcome to Bodhi Torque,  the universal acceptance of self as is , where is .., prof...