Monday, January 9, 2023

once upon a thyme in de west

 best dressed or naked,,,,you gets ta choose ...and u never loose.

The fine wind blew up from the north ...tingles would return .., ,and mingles also ...

Flash ahh aaAAHHH ...saviour of the u-n-i-verse haha ...jus saw ming and had to throw in tHere

Earthlings ...

Is this Blog progressing your wellbeing ? ....comment down below. 

The Nu Yeah is HERE ..present, a gift unfolding by one's grace and certitude... So sow wHat is your full eXpression, one's full expression, are they aligned , are they one and the sAMe ..or a juxtaposition tHEREof

Know matter BE cause you are YOU, and that is wundr BEhold ....I give you .......(insert your name), the greatest most bodacious revelator on earth, the greatest showman/woman ...blessed R we to unfold together.

have you been to Cafe Gratitude here in NZ, ..or Gratitude Eatery as it is called, here in the beautiful Mount Maunganui ...located in Prince Ave .... the little Prince ...or ..the BIG prince de-pen-din-g   H O W much U eat, eat tweet ,repeat haha

Know it is a beautiful treasure ...check it out if you happen stance ˚สš♡ษž˚

I went to Paulo Cafe , here in Milford Auckland this bountas mornin ... grateful.

so if you aint eatin, ..and u anit repeatin, wHat R U and so doin? ....exactly ....a tweeter ....lov doz HI vibes ...speaking of which is babe of the deah ...eehhhh happy daze haha 

Dowsing for kindness and love

I started to delve a bit deeeper lately ...well I mean I always hope to lead, experience, enjoy ...deepness...yet to unfold , explore, and discover oneself from the inside beautiful ...It is really a tour of self ...yet why , why not create self fully ..and be masturful now ..lovin N O WZ that one is creator, causality of kindness , love, fulfillment.

In retrospect the tide is changin, there are people that  I haven't even met Yet, experience/s unknown/unlived.

Fortunately love guides me well, phenomenally SO



sorry ..knodded off there ...for a second ...well more than ,, so feelings you have em?, you trust em?, ...what are they, and where do they arise and or from , whence and why?

Well at last a question worthy of answering ....they are manifestations of glory on earth, each one has a time in unison with the divine ,,,,this is the tuning fork ...the answering of calling essence have em ...we all have em ..but backwards ....ME in unison with divine ecstacy this what you want not be ? ...then follow em ...haha

thank you 

have a divine day,  in the context of alpha and the omega , in love one feels amazing ...because one IS

lov luv love


Let's Grow

Grow and glow haha ๐Ÿ˜„  Greetings to all and welcome to Bodhi Torque,  the universal acceptance of self as is , where is .., prof...