Sunday, October 14, 2018

From Matrix to Magnificence

The Matrix a film, a projection...much as one can project MANage and still rEACH one's POTentiAl...yet hay I jus May
Free your mind...yet what IS 'your' MINd?
We or I AM utilising language ..yet how did I ...and what IS I ,, cOMe by dis LANgUage...well that would be orgasm...procreation by language is love in essence ...procreated by distraction and effort to intoxicate U to le amour de oneness or holy union with 'your' cosmic self...y our ..y o u r ...yes why R u here or R ..why O you are... If I chose not to share this that would be what... Selfish...or educated...that's right interpretation is key... Or infusion of PASSION personified profoundly ...for what purpose... If the word creates worlds...let there be light....and there was...yet whose word...what is being created ...all on the assumption that light if you c such came to be by a being's speech or vocalisation of language... that could create the imagination onto the ...well let there be light is really illumination by a source of light...but why...because we could not see...or the creator could not c what light was in terms of excelment.... Yet to feel  excelment is to feel a sense of pride and graduation in ability lived out or made into perceptual... It's a gauge ..your lightworker abilities...or your ability to manifest with the light or project of source energy...why not sauce energy..
Like orgasm....Well...that would be lovewell ...or would it...what is the matrix a piece of cake in appearance contained the inFORMation or experience recorded and able to be transferred to the eater...or consumer...such that biological bliss ...why bio logic al's a word..but it's the 'connection' with the word means life or living ...logic...sort of like conscious choice ... al .. the motion or flow ..and as I am thinking or thinking I'm thinking each word creates what perception or actual events determined by 'my' level of consciousness ...or light propagation of my aura as a light source...sauce haha or squirter haha ...coming from a distance....yet not as it's proportionate to self consciousness or realisation...real lies a shun ...real is at I on ...something I believe to be real in that I am presented with a objectional immersion within dimensional actuality or experience...yet if experience is a product of is one separate or influencer of the product by means of thinking or awareness of self and what is exposed, consumed or otherwise believed to be needed or utilised for the purpose of entertainment, creation or or sustainment...yet not like that...if you were to unplug...what would that unplug from thought...consumption...or any outside input...yet if outside is outpictured product of consciousness wouldn't just changing attitude or perception completely shift quality and actuality in proportion ..mos def. ...yet u r knot deff U R the body can really speak for U or against this creates worlds re-member...yet to honour U.... YES... That IS to ...g i v e  you verse in u n i.... freedom beyond word deed or act I on ...innateness... Self expression of the freed a song for the masses ..
What I mean is your not average your the evolution of ... the energiser scratch my that's yummy...thank U hunny ..haha.

Can you say anything is real beyond your choices...I'm looking at a mirror...a very cool one at that..yet that is not what i'm see'n...I'm see'n particular the way light or reflection appears....what if you were so immersed in the dream that you accepted reality as what you see...that is why we feel SEE what is REAL.. here ..but what is here...the present...but is it so...a gift...sow your gifts....ok we get sOMe wHERE. G I F T.    G (god, guru, genie ..the ALL creative of ALL ... I F  is ..well grammatically ...if is originality if you can muster that'll have fun and belong to no one but at one with all.... T haha tea Mr Smythers ..gosh how did you know...well I didn't monsieur ..but I ave faith...ironically or bionically T is knot tea it's dinner haha possibly .. 
T is The freedom to create from originality....the yum of the gUm to speak.....tee is a beginning...T is a doorway into the past, present and future....yet not the one U imagine...yes the door to the LOVE U R

<3 <3 L O V E  Torq,
the bodhitorque mouse ;) 

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