Saturday, July 24, 2021

the ultimate lifestyle reborn


Well, bodhi torque has been thrU many inceptions ...yet hopefully remaining tru to awakening love, living and thriving in the vibe of L O V E ...and awakening passion purpose and prosperity for all...yet if all are playmates...manifestations of one's own ..knott 'owned' but freedom of being ...where for art thou the state of the nation ,,,the state of the equation of 'self' ...ohhh time 4 sOMe ...seeeeeELF HHEEEELLLLPPPP haha ...mathemati'cali' ...quantum realisation ....all IS O N E ...and THAt iS fUn 


sow ...soooo have I really been tru ...not to raw....well in saying that ...I did redefine or expand it's def to mean really awesOMe wellness or wellbeing .....meaning thought creation ...consciously creating self beyond consumption of external data ....drawing frOM the LOVEwell by TORQ synergise with spiraling ...golden means and deems be beautiful eyes ...beautiful skies...beautiful lies...truly lets settle down a mo here be unconditionally loving is the essence of it all...self expansion ....unconditionally lovingly ...for the betterment of ALL ...thru truth to self expression, authentic nature ...wellbeing and harmony within now ..basically ...awesomely lovingly and acceptingly ...unconditionally of SELF ...AS IS WHERE IS ...right NOW ...Left 2 for that is the acronym 4 UN con dish shun AL πŸ’—

Yet shore shore ..been on that beach before ...watched the sun rise the love 'still' ...IN thine eyes...well know this...journey KNott monotonatic...

Is it like a distractaction...these little big and knott sooooww bIG meanderings ...well as the ultimate lifestyle reborn is about rebirth of this new ...'ness'  old is nothing without nude and knew so awakening to such one Is reborn in immediacy ...spontaniety ...honesty to self...EXPRession not shunned ...or depressed...but shone for the one love of ALL ....stand Tall ...even if your sMall .....very small and quiet ...for that is where genesis occurs iinnn the atoms the beingness the brilliance the love from above ,,and below ..its all ho bro like sno / lets GO do this haha smith ....was  w oz wunderin when you'd appear ...yet knott 2day ...not on this highway...

so what doth a rammed earth hOMe

look like inside that tru to it love in essence ....reborn....I kinda have my van now ...yet conflicted not only do 'i want' ...when I want for no thing want is illusion ...I AM all welcomme ALL in harmonious accord.....first things is first creator ...and a created ..yes ..respec .honour thyself by honouring the past particle ...or family TREE ...the tree ..of S O U L s πŸ’˜ woz πŸ’˜tHat maid US haha ...yet rebirth is opportunity says I've says hello ...namaste...welcome to the ultimate lifestyle

Planes ., trains and automobiles....Maybe cept's now ...june....juno wHat dooo U knoooww ...not tooo much I hope ...else you'll elope with your mind ,,beyond design...and weeee do need a sign ...don't weee haha ...weeee outside if u must ...but keep yo mind ...clean ...and refreshed...and if it's gets garbaged up sOMe composting in meditation...or sOMe elimination in eXercise ...or some emotional rescue in intercourse ...or some bad ass spiritual mecca in circle sanctuary ...divine connections ,...spiritual channeling

πŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’ŸπŸ’”BOOOMMMM ...more so than bernstein's bears !! yeee aaaahhhh ...get together for spiritual FREINDS ...not fiends haha ...4 and FORE ...ele a vacation for the soul ...where you never get ol ...but continuously BOrN a new like winnie the poooH haha

when I look inside ..i see nothing...what does it look like...I can sorta see a person there...faintly happy sad grateful to see someone in spring...snow in winter ...know the rhythm ..the rhythm divine..

feeling what is it's still consciousness ...but sensorial ...beyond sense to home base a homing beacon


It's July now...tending to August...and just opened this post and see it is a draft ...I do have a few windows open know wonder ....and wonder will know u.

I think it's important to take or give charge....yet what is charge a battery it is stored voltage ...or the potential for work...when I say work ...I mean love made visible where doth oneself charge from...or is that a free bodhi of miraculous wellbeing that is of infinite energy a perpetual infinite blissful energy sauce ..haha ..source ...yet what is source

We chose to define it as an origin ....yet look at the word so u r ce you are see ....and further from bodhi torque sow lover sea, so lover see ....or sow an ocean of love to see clear to be be freeee

So the ultimate lifestyle reborn F R E E D  O  M  

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Let's Grow

Grow and glow haha πŸ˜„  Greetings to all and welcome to Bodhi Torque,  the universal acceptance of self as is , where is .., prof...