Wednesday, November 16, 2022
FreedOM π§‘ππ¬π£π¦
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Blessings be cOMing
So you want to bless the world ehh ... how bout blessin' yo self first ..
and BEin' a blessin un2 the world ...
yes U bet ...the REAL U ...the won that Stands ...shiney and bright ...for all to see , shout it from the top of the hills ...
And So It IS ❤
so why knot take a trip down memory lane .....ehhhhh I just may ....cept ...I AM the LIFE 2Day
Love to All
the Bodhi Torq man hahaMonday, January 10, 2022
SOmetIMe the Tied changes
..and ONE is free to be all that can other words one is now, content, present , aforDavid 4 loving peace, shinny bright souls..and well being.
Kind it a reality ..or jusT HUman neyture haha
Love all ..serve all ...Monday Tuesday Wednesday..happy days ....eeeehhhhh serve all ..if all is one...isn't that self serving? π―!! wouldn't that be loving self fully and always ..absolutely!!! High degree in expectation there ...not really one is is added to this other words ...perfect as you are ...and freed of imperfection notions..flow is restored ...well dunt quite feel right
Could heaven on earth be the place to be... well
It's the grounded activities...namaste..
The important things...those that one imports into the brain ..from divine intelligence ...loving infinite source
So what is that in-tell-i-g-en-ce ..yes it is your God given grace to create well...bodaciously infact
Could it be a cult, well wouldn't that be cult is of culture cult-u- r -e eeehhhhh haha happy daaeehhyyzz
Lover ..that watt U be, knot tryin 2 put words in yo mouth ..unless that be chocolate, succulent unrobed gloryπ
Well was worth a shot ..writing oneself to the epitome of all in dusty phrase written by daze ..when it could be channeled divine intention...
Such is the greatness of one's soul in this moment ..a revolution of kindness of love touch the heart and soul at precise moments of they extend beyond me ..yummy u bet cha why doth one channel
To open the heart center do this each ..hide and play seek the castle...when you! ARE the Cast-le mast-er haha ..flyin ..indeed π❣it
So why knot build.. haha..b U the castle of here nOw is won π in reverse one expectancy is just divine blessing in advance...when the reality is KIND ...we're kind-re-d ...kind hearted ..of each other..
Balls to bones ...u just know
Aka the love Master base jumping cast-le❣
Let's Grow
Grow and glow haha π Greetings to all and welcome to Bodhi Torque, the universal acceptance of self as is , where is .., prof...
Well ..what a juxtaposition.....the fragrance, the hornyness, the presence and passion of purpose lived loved ...created ...caus...
Indeed that I am Like every story ..there is a beginning A deep sage woz born unto this world of light and pleasure, disdain for unbelief, ...