Saturday, September 8, 2018


The divine pussy, man's wholey quest...or a test of metamorphic genius. Of course it need be neither...instead the sublime difference between here and now...either way...i.e. neither we're here right now creating the divine being that we know this ..You R Well, and ALL is Phenomenally well to be sUccessful...U simply R... No need to have to be this ...or that or the rainbow INbtween...yet if you so choose ...well alrighty then...enjoy...deploy...and ignite your passion to fashion reality de here..
I love you just as you are...yet to see the wonder that is inside you...that is special indeed....and the deed of the soul it is that is, full on, rambunctious, freedom there of...grasp that and you have made enormous strides today...avec le amour.
Love love love
Monsieur Lovewell
le bodhitorque MAN ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ’–

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