Monday, August 31, 2020

Why the cycle of life

What is that, is it a bird ..a plane.. a Namaste...eehhh it's me the bodhi torque man haha, 1/2 human, 1/2 Eagle 1/2 pirate arrthhh that's ok.. 1 and one 1/2 is goooood ..Yes! ...know ! U R the O N E ✌✨ ..whole and Complete One IS.

So to say these things is creational.  In the sense ...that U R you ...and I am I is lost ...but not forgotten. It's the re-membering that counts....1,2,3,4...all taught for naught unless we begin to see I've said we you follow...then click the link ...subscribe, post haha I am wonderful...clearly that's a truth....but who's gonna say it is or it isn't...that is not the point....break point is the point, game set and match....know that watt one is beyond human comprehension....but Knott mine because I am wonderful, light , elevated, divine, in love, vibrationally and ecstatically devoted to that which I am...Free.
Now let's revisit that first statement, or in fact, by the act quest-i-on  ...

Why ..another question, or subject specific descriptor preface is all code...leading to ...nowhere..
when all u want is an abode, and to shoot your load ...but why? Haha...the simplest answer....Y knott

What's beyond the code, the vis ...oneness ...funess..

Copenhagen ..comes to mind...yet what is mind ? ...consciousness..
Indeed 'who' Is 'doin' 'the' dance...
lighten up man ! ... how many watts are U ...haha

Controlled...R u controlled...if so remote? ...haha ...if so Onederful !
...joKing !
If you're ' the one' ...there IS 'only' 'self'
con-trol....what you're A trol ...watt aRE U say'n ....eXactly tastes like tasty wheat..
but how do you know watt tasty wheat 'tastes' 'like' .....all life is a new....fresh ...Free to be anamorphic sUbstance...independent of the metacloreans ...Free to be infinite sUbstance...yet perpetual in magnitude....lost....know thing is lost...just the I'm a g in at ion.  ...Why ion , ionization... Z 4 short....but I wanna be tall ...and handsOMe...did U EVEr 'think' yoU wUrn't u follow my drift ...course not ...cause drift'n is fun when u'r D'riv in G ...master C R E A T O R ....let there be L I G H T ..
A n D.  tHERE ..wOz...
Yet 'it' is also fun ..
if you're with ...c ...still dr-I-vin haha

Control is to let gO



(pictures above ,   Blog Qsample .com and Self healing 2013. ...thank U ! Nanastay ...eeeehhhhh ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘‰✌✨๐Ÿ’— )

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Let's Grow

Grow and glow haha ๐Ÿ˜„  Greetings to all and welcome to Bodhi Torque,  the universal acceptance of self as is , where is .., prof...