Why the cycle of life? Is IT a cycle, LAN ...local area network ...that's a derived short from LANguage ...a conversant reality with the divine BEing.
Love asks know QUESTions....other than freedom to be DIVINE
Why the cycle of life? Is IT a cycle, LAN ...local area network ...that's a derived short from LANguage ...a conversant reality with the divine BEing.
Love asks know QUESTions....other than freedom to be DIVINE
What is that, is it a bird ..a plane.. a Namaste...eehhh it's me the bodhi torque man haha, 1/2 human, 1/2 Eagle 1/2 pirate arrthhh that's ok.. 1 and one 1/2 is goooood ..Yes! ...know ! U R the O N E ✌✨ ..whole and Complete ...as One IS.
So to say these things is creational. In the sense ...that U R you ...and I am I ...one is lost ...but not forgotten. It's the re-membering that counts....1,2,3,4...all taught for naught unless we begin to see clearly...now I've said we here...do you follow...then click the link ...subscribe, post haha I am wonderful...clearly that's a truth....but who's gonna say it is or it isn't...that is not the point....break point is the point, game set and match....know that watt one is ...is beyond human comprehension....but Knott mine because I am wonderful, light , elevated, divine, in love, vibrationally and ecstatically devoted to that which I am...Free.
Now let's revisit that first statement, or in fact, by the act quest-i-on ...
Why ..another question, or subject specific descriptor preface ...it is all code...leading to ...nowhere..
when all u want is an abode, and to shoot your load ...but why? Haha...the simplest answer....Y knott
What's beyond the code, the reasoning...love yes...visa vis ...oneness ...funess..
Copenhagen ..comes to mind...yet what is mind ? ...consciousness..
Indeed haha...so 'who' Is 'doin' 'the' dance...
lighten up man ! ... how many watts are U ...haha
Controlled...R u controlled...if so ...how? ...by remote? ...haha ...if so Onederful !
...joKing !
If you're ' the one' ...there IS 'only' 'self'
con-trol....what you're A trol ...watt aRE U say'n ....eXactly ...it tastes like tasty wheat..
but how do you know watt tasty wheat 'tastes' 'like' .....all life is a new....fresh ...Free to be anamorphic sUbstance...independent of substrate....like the metacloreans ...Free to be infinite sUbstance...yet perpetual in magnitude....lost....know ...no thing is lost...just real....to the I'm a g in at ion. ...Why ion , ionization... Z 4 short....but I wanna be tall ...sexy ...and handsOMe...did U EVEr 'think' yoU wUrn't
..do u follow my drift ...course not ...cause drift'n is fun when u'r D'riv in G ...master C R E A T O R ....let there be L I G H T ..
A n D. tHERE ..wOz...
Yet 'it' is also fun ..
if you're with ...c ...still dr-I-vin haha
Control is to let gO
(pictures above , Blog Qsample .com and Self healing 2013. ...thank U ! Nanastay ...eeeehhhhh ๐๐๐๐✌✨๐ )
Beautifully...that is how to thrive ...is it beautiful ...course one IS
So ..sow the seeds of love...tend to them...torq and enrich
Previously I wrote ...what is 'it' that U really love ...yet upon deciding upon a musical interlude from writing I exited the app ..and what I wrote slipped into ...where ...I wrote 'it' ..but gONE ..
autosave I thought ...nup ...perhaps life is so much more than apps and writing...it's the gratitude for capacity to love...to share...and to do such things on and with the weird science aka ...tech can oh know ledgey haha ...love that tek...star trek..
Yes cap'n ..I eye ...hoist ye jolly roger
Sow have or has one attributed wisdom to or from lifestyle...
Let's revisit what Woz written
...so what is it that U really love?
Of course derivations of perception, interpretation and vibration , meanings accepted and attributed to conscious cognition as what these words create and or move one to procreate reality or simply uplevel oneself.
These are sOMe of the variables in language use and thus creation...if you believe ...and in the begining wOz the word...they'z probably torq'n bout fuck...and God said "fuck it !" ..and it wass goooood haha ...Sow he made man...blew out the candle ...and lit the fire ..and made woman...ohh dear he thought...now I've done it ! ...and he wOz rite ...righteous I meAn haha ...fuck it! haha.. I've done my best...the rest is up to yoU ...-GOd haha
Forest in my heart ...is a lovely piece of art on canvas ..that I gifted my Mum..hey why not...it wOz actually the first I had heard that phrase...and to see it in 'reality' ..printed ..like these very words...ohh and to make it into life...and love..yet I also love 'forest'...of course..for est ..or .. for IS ..and fo rest ...suggest ..and forest IS for 'rest' R is aarrrhhh haha...
Witch reminds me ...If a man speaks in a forest ..and there is no woman to hear him...is he still wrong ...haha...I saw that on the back of a spare tyre cover ..coincidently presented ..at apt momento by the glorious u-n-i-verse ...haha 'duck it ! ..gOd taught haha .
.I'll send 'm sOMe wizdumb haha ...and it wIz funny ...back then...but now I see ...that the sea belongs to love..and love belongs to know one ...bUt itself...and the beaUty of beast in flesh ...weeee haha name MAN haha even in that word backwards ...e man ...what ! ...U meAn ..He man ...know her man ...knows no rest but what is best .... Love
Assuming your answer was YES, you're doing what you love, right, you're free in self,,,and in particular ...around others, everything flows, your constantly amazed, well recognising the awe and miraculous nature ..the sheer wonder and pure magnificence of BEing ALIVE.
There is specialNESS in all that U do , FUN is an implicit factor, seriously 'you're' great to be around AND with, erotically your love is off the charts, intimacy and well being are consummate with your every breath, you have a lot of space to jus be, and appreciate life for the beauty, bliss, wonder, greatly enjoying nature's bounty, movement, acceleration, joy, forgiveness and freedom.In short U love life ...& lead life, living fully present, fully realised, fully aware and passionately driven, relaxed and awe inspiring, you make a profound difference being a phenomenal example of freedom, passion of purpose and an enliving unconditionally loving presence, being a gift to the ultimate wonder and infinite potential; .. known as hUman BEing.
Grow and glow haha ๐ Greetings to all and welcome to Bodhi Torque, the universal acceptance of self as is , where is .., prof...